Good afternoon! This is the Cinderella monster. Like, literally :D If you know, you know. LOL. I visited Canary Islands for ten (10) days this month. It was wonderful! We ate good food, took many naps and shopped. When we were still on our trip my dad got ill. He is still in the hospital. When we came home my mom got sick. During the trip my pains got a lot worse and we rented a wheelchair for the second part of our vacation. My mom pushed me around and sometimes I tried to wheel myself around at it went pretty ok. SO. Today I went to a nerve and pain test to the big hospital here in my home city. My right leg gets kind of pain attacks and it is really painful. So now I can't go outside without a friend or person who can push me around in my wheelchair. The pain suddenly worsened before the trip but there it got unbearable. I am trying to rest. My mom and dad were in the same hospital for a short while. My dad is still at the hospital and my mom got home today. I am at home,...